Thursday, September 14, 2017

Summer 2017 Comparisons - Essie Eclair My Love (S'il Vous Play) - Part 2

Part 2: Other brands:

Stay tuned for a more in-depth comparison for Sonja!

From left to right: Eva (Hugs-n-Kisses), I Brake for Colour (Road Trip, Spring 2015), Dixie (Sunsets, Summer 2016), Some Hearts (Carrie Underwood, Spring 2014), Sonja (Wanderlust, Summer 2017), Éclair My Love, My Chihuahua Bites! (Mexico, Spring 2006), Fire on the Horizon (Sunrise Sunset, Summer 2017), Lee (Set Sail, May 2015), Fran (Bask in the Heat, June 2017), America (La-Di-Da, Summer 2009), Haley (Classics), Coca Cola Red (Coca Cola, Summer 2014)

Fran, America, Haley, and Coca Cola Red are all too dark and too true red. Eva is too dusty, I Brake for Color is a bit too dark and orange toned, and Fire on the Horizon is not quite as saturated. Everything else is super close. There are some subtle differences, but really, if you have Dixie, Some Hearts, Sonja, My Chihuahua Bites, or from the last post Sunset Sneaks you don’t need Éclair My Love.

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