Thursday, September 14, 2017

Summer 2017 Comparisons - Zoya Winnie (Wanderlust)

From left to right: Delhi Dance (Going Guru, Resort/Spring 2016), Laurel (Petals, Spring 2016), Wendy (Tickled, Summer 2014), Kiss Me I’m Brazilian (Brazil, Spring 2014), Winnie, Color Me Country (Carrie Underwood, Spring 2014), Daytripper (Core), Status Symbol (Spring 2009), Brynn (Sunsets, Summer 2016), Charged Up Cherry (Brights, Summer 2005), Spoken from the Heart (Hello Kitty, Spring 2016). Swatch Stick: OPI Flip Flops & Crop Tops (Retro Summer, Summer 2016)

I honestly have nothing quite like Winnie. Delhi Dance I threw in there to show that Winnie’s not a true pink but rather it has a bit of coral in it, but all my other pink corals are way too orange. Flip Flops & Crop Tops I’d say is the closest though, and maybe if you got Flip Flops last year you don’t need Winnie this year.

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