Saturday, September 16, 2017

Autumn 2017 Comparisons - OPI Check Out the Old Geysirs (Iceland)

Also, why didn’t I think to include Pepper in my Saint comparisons?

From left to right: Virgin Snow (Virgin Snow, Holiday 2015), Jessica (Express Yourself, March 2012), Kristen (Feel, Winter 2011), Sea of Love (Message in a Bottle, Spring 2017), Check Out the Old Geysirs, Cinderella (Spring 2012), Rayne (Delight, Spring 2015), One Polished Pony (My Little Pony, Summer 2017), Matilda (Midsummer Light, June 2016), Saint (Enchanted, Holiday 2016), Pepper (Rainbow Bright, May 2016), Jo (Twist, Spring 2009). Swatch Stick: China Glaze Boho Blues (Road Trip, Spring 2015)

Old Geysirs is kind of like Sea of Love with soft blue shimmer, but given that the shimmer doesn’t show up that much in Geysirs they’re close enough you don’t need both.

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