Saturday, July 15, 2017

Spring 2017 Comparisons - Zoya Tatum and Cathy (Naturel 3)

From left to right: Chantal (Naturel, Spring 2014), Tatum, You’ve So Vain-illa (Coca-Cola, Summer 2014), Taylor (Naturel, Spring 2014), Tiramisu for Two (Venice, Autumn 2015), Spencer (Naturel Deux, Autumn 2014), Prelude to a Kiss (Cool Romance, Spring 2012), Shay (Touch, Spring 2012), Cathy, Phyllis (Chrysalis, January 2015), Avril (Suede, Summer 2004), Gretchen (Spa Essentials), Emperor’s New Clothes (Her Majesty, Holiday 2016)

Cathy kind of looks like Shay without the shimmer, just a little darker. The shimmer in Shay is much less apparent on the nail than in the bottle, so they’re even closer. Phyllis is also close enough you don’t need them both. As for Tatum, it’s in the same boat as Vain-illa especially (if you have one you don’t need the other), Chantal (which is much lighter and warmer though), Taylor (which is darker), and Tiramisu for Two (a little darker and cooler.)

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