Saturday, July 1, 2017

Holiday 2016 Comparisons - Zoya Enchanted Pixiedusts (Waverly, Elphie, Lorna, Alice)


From left to right: Get Your Number (Mariah Carey, Spring 2013), Liberty (Summer Pixiedust, Summer 2013), Waverly

Waverly is way darker than either of these, plus Get Your Number has little holo sequins, and Liberty has more of a metallic base.


Left: Elphie Right: Chita (Fall Pixiedust, Fall 2013)

These are the only true green textures I can think of. Stuff like NOPI That's What I Mint are more teal. Like Waverly, Elphie is way darker than Zoya’s older Pixiedusts.

Note: I don’t have Miranda but I assume, again, that Lorna is darker. Now I think Noir and Arianna, neither of which I have, would be closer matches but they both have larger sequins.

Left: Arabella (Fall Pixiedust, Fall 2013) Right: Lorna
Again, Lorna’s darker than Arabella.

Note: I just picked up Zoya’s Carter the other day; They’re not even kind of the same idea. Carter is way warmer and doesn’t have any blue glitter. If you like one you’ll like the other.

From left to right: Stevie (Summer Pixiedust, Summer 2013), Alice, Can’t Let Go (Mariah Carey, Spring 2013), Alcatraz…Rocks (San Francisco, Autumn 2013)
My first thought was to compare it to Alcatraz…Rocks, which is definitely the most complex of all my purple textures, but it’s way darker and grayer. Alice is much brighter and has no gold in it. They’re sisters though and they’re the only two textures I can think of that pack in so many colors of glitter in them. Can’t Let Go is closest colorwise, but it has no blue and pink glitter and some larger hex sequins. Stevie, while probably closest in Zoya’s line, is far lighter.

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