Monday, April 9, 2018

Julep Lineup - Lizanne, London, Lorraine, Lottie

  • Lizanne (It Girl - Riviera, March 2014) is a teal green with blue shimmer. This is really unique and pretty! It’s a very wearable teal.
  • London (CWAT - Afterglow, February 2015) is a warm purple creme. Very springy!
  • Lorraine (CWAT - Midsummer Light, June 2016) is a pink/purple with silver shimmer. This is a nice classy polish that feels kind of retro but still fun.
  • Lottie (CWAT - Neon Nights, July 2017) is one of the best white cremes I’ve ever used. Two easy coats and a non-streaky finish. It’s a very nice stark white too.

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