Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Holiday 2017 Comparisons - Zoya Ming & Sheri (Party Girls) - Part 1

From left to right: Dita (La-Di-Da, Summer 2009), Living Legend (Gala Bolds, Summer 2017), Queen of Speed (Fast Lane), Fran (Bask in the Heat, June 2017), Little Red Corvette (Lady in Red, Autumn 2017), Ming, Better Off Red (Lady in Red, Autumn 2017), Man of the Moment, Sheri, Lady is a Tramp (Core), Just Bitten (Velvet Dream, Autumn 2017), Demi (December 2011)

Dita is too cool, Living Legend, Queen of Speed, and Fran are too light and bright, and Just Bitten and Demi are too dark to even come close. The closest thing I have to each here is Little Red Corvette to Ming and Man of the Moment to Sheri.

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