Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Holiday 2017 Comparisons - OPI The Color That Keeps on Giving (Love OPI XOXO) - Part 1

From left to right: Magical (Romantique, Spring 2009), Silken Quartz (Velvet Dream, Autumn 2017), Sin-derella (Happily Never After, Autumn 2017), Lara (Spring to It, March 2017), The Color that Keeps on Giving, Pink Diamond (Madison Ave, Spring 2004), Lily (Romantic), Reykjavik has All the Hot Spots (Iceland, Autumn 2017), Hotter than Hibiscus (Heavy Petal, Spring 2012), China Doll (Summer 2006), Fabulous Flamingo (Color ID 2, Spring 2007)

Nothing here is really close to The Color that Keeps on Giving. Lara has a different finish and Pink Diamond is too dark and bright.

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