Sunday, October 8, 2017

Autumn 2017 Comparisons - Zoya Beth (Sophisticates) - Part 2

From left to right: Five-and-Ten (Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Holiday 2016), Katrina (Bow on Top, Holiday 2015), Judy (All Night Long, December 2015), Rage (Foil FX, Spring 2010), Kay (Modern Smolder, February 2016), Beth, Wilma (Rainbow Bright, May 2016), Beatrice (All Night Long, December 2015), Louisa May (Citrine for November, November 2015), Chantilly Peach, Hey Doll & Ingrid (Vintage Vixen, Autumn 2010)

I thought Kay was close to McKenna but it’s almost dead-on with Beth. It’s a tiny bit warmer and darker but not enough to call them anything but dupes. Rage is similar, but it’s more foily and silverier. Wilma’s closer to Beth than it was to McKenna but it’s still too metallic and duochromey. Five-and-Ten, Katrina, and Judy are all too silvery, the two polishes from Vintage Vixen are way off, Chantilly Peach is too, well, peach, Louisa May is too warm, and Beatrice is too gold.

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