Friday, February 2, 2018

Julep Lineup - Ciara, Claudia, Danica, Danielle

  • Ciara (It Girl - Rebel Set, October 2013) is a cool purple with blue shimmer. The shimmer’s not quite as amazingly sparkly as it was promised by the bottle but it’s still quite nice.
  • Claudia (Peridot for August, August 2014) is a cool and complex topper (although I don’t think it’ll get opaque on its own). It’s light green with gold shimmer and a few red flecks. Over white this is a stunner!
  • Danica (Boho Glam - Paradise, April 2015) is a purple metallic with a pink shimmer. It’s a bit sheer on the first coat but it builds nicely.
  • Danielle (It Girl - Paradise, April 2015) is a blue metallic with a slight duochrome to purple. It’s nice, I don’t have too much to say on it.

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